My first thought when I pulled these words was Mercury retrograde. (the next one of which arrives on May 19, if I remember correctly). Now why is that? I was told once that under Mercury retrograde, it was a perfect time to RE anything. Redo, Rebuild, Reconstruct, Repair.
I’m getting a big dose of these words right now, especially the renew and refresh part. I have been laid low with a really phenomenal cold. I actually spent most of yesterday in bed, and a big part of today. Haven’t done that in a really long time. I’m looking at this as an opportunity to revitalize, since I know that I have been burning the candle at both ends for some time. For the last couple of days, I have had the pleasure of just releasing and letting go. I don’t have anything to drive me to get better quick. I can just let go and rest. I know that things are unwinding, and that when this is all done, I will have a different outlook. The fact that I am not feeling driven to do anything is an achievement in itself.
I look at this as a gift from the Universe…also a strong message. Slow down. Relax. Take time for yourself. I also get to let go of the plans that I had for this period of time, and know that all is well.
Refresh – getting the rest that I need
Renew – allowing the energies to move in a different way
Rejoice – celebrate that I have this opportunity[/fusion_text]