I pulled the word and giggled. I remembered the gist of a comment, frequently made in jest, “It’s a good thing that breathing is automatic, otherwise I’d be dead.”
Boy, do I resemble that remark! I move through out life and frequently give it no conscious thought, and oft times it shows. How often have I been in a position where I have caught myself holding my breath? When that happens, I usually marvel about the fact that I had NO idea I was doing that. Yup, good thing that it is automatic.
In my work with essential oils, there were a few of the oils that combined the message of breathing with the ability to receive (in breath); the ability to put ones own expression into the world (out breath). This is a great reminder for me that I can bring in the energies of the universe by breathing in; and empower myself and take my place as a co-creator by breathing out.
Breathe In; Breathe out; repeat.