My practice focuses on finding and living one’s Soul-Aligned essence or purpose. There are many ways that one can focus and find one’s purpose. The technique that I am trained is uses what is called “direct access” methods. Essentially, this means that you are learning to communicate with your Soul. You may call this other names like Higher Self, Inner Wisdom, God, Great Spirit. All of these names represent that you are working with an energy that is greater than yourself and would have information about who you are, who you are meant to be, and your Soul-Aligned purpose.
During the 12-15 weeks, we would be working towards finding your purpose and then putting together a plan for living it. After all, finding your purpose changes nothing, living your purpose changes everything. Once you find your purpose, living it can become a challenge as it likely means living outside of your comfort zone. The ego then steps in to protect you with the result of you living a “less than” life.
Why would you want to find your purpose? If you are anything like me, you went through life wondering every now and then “why am I here?” It felt like it was more than going to work and all of the other activities in my life, and yet, had no inkling of what the reason might be. Like so many people who reach their 50’s and 60’s the desire to know became more of an imperative. “I didn’t want to die not knowing” and more importantly feeling like I might have “wasted” my life.
Through the Shift Network, I connected with Tim Kelley, one of the founders of the True Purpose Institute. I learned what my purpose is, and in 2015 while driving around the backroads of MT or Alberta, made the determination that I wanted to be able to support others in finding their purpose. So, I became a trained True Purpose Coach.
To me, one of the exciting and fulfilling things about using the direct access methods approach, is that YOU come up with what your purpose is. There are a lot of tools, including psychics or other intuitives, that can tell you what your purpose is, however, there is something more satisfying to come up with it on your own. For me, it meant a lot and validated many things. Now, I would like to caution you, that coming up with it on your own doesn’t always mean that you completely understand it immediately, nor take away the clench in the gut when you realize how big it could be.

Find out if the Soul-Aligned Program is right for you! Contact BB to schedule your free phone consultation:

I enthusiastically recommend BB Harding as a purpose coach. Through BB’s extraordinary coaching, I learned to communicate directly with my Trusted Source, Samuel. By communicating with Samuel, I was able to gain clarity around my essence, my blessing, and my mission. I tapped this source of wisdom to make life choices aligned with my true purpose, giving me a sense of alignment. BB’s coaching also helped me identify the parts of my ego that were holding me back, so I could move forward powerfully in my career and relationships. BB combines a thorough understanding of purpose coaching methodology, intuition, and inner wisdom that stretched me and enabled me to gain important insights about who I am and what I really want. I now feel a sense of direction and purpose in my life that was previously lacking. ~ CM, Oakland CA
B B has been working with me for the last few months on discovering my purpose in life, as part of her True Purpose coaching program. I feel like the results have been extraordinary. When I began working with her I felt like I had no options to change my life and I felt stuck between two worlds, the one I was living and the one that I wanted to live. Through our work, and also through working with my guides, I learned that I can make changes, that things are not hopeless, and that in many ways I am already living parts of that dream life.
I was very hesitant about learning to work with guides but it was more comfortable than I thought it would be, and it is now a skill that I will use throughout my life. BB worked with me until I felt comfortable, and she was non-judgmental as she provided ideas for helping me improve. She celebrated successes with me and pointed out the positive changes I was making during our work together.
If you feel like you’re wandering or lost and are not sure which direction your heart is telling you to go in, then this is the program for you! ~MB, Orlando FL