The Shift Network
The Shift Network offers a variety of courses both live and evergreen. They have courses lead by many of the thought leaders in a particular area. Courses cover the gambit and will attract those who consider themselves on a “spiritual path.” Enneagram, Shamanism, Sacred Practices, Medicinal Plants, Empowerment of Women are just some of the basic topics. For more information about what is currently being offered you can go to here.
One of the instructors that I have followed is Tim Kelley. It was his course Higher Guidance that began the journey to finding my own purpose and moving me towards supporting others in finding their own. This year, the cycle of courses is beginning again. The course Intuition 2.0 will start on Feb 28 and will last 7 weeks. For more information, click here.
Touched by a Horse
Want a special relationship with horses? Work with them as healing partners? Have an experience as to how horses can heal? I would highly recommend the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method (r). I have two links for you:
To find the certified practitioner in your area: click here
To become a certified practitioner: click here. You can request a handbook that will explain the program.
Cetacean Academy
Learn about the mission of the Whales and Dolphins. The founders Joan Ocean, Trish Regan, Dough Hackett, Celeste Eaton and Terra Farrar have over 55,000 hours of swimming with the whales and dolphins throughout the world. They share footage of their experience, wisdom from the teachings that they have received from the whales and dolphins. For more information click here. (note: the introductory message is well worth the click)